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'랜드 오브 조이'에 대한 이야기들

‘랜드 오브 조이'는 두카티 스크램블러만의 자유, 즐거움, 개성을 상징합니다. ‘랜드 오브 조이'의 세계로 여러분을 초대합니다.

Ducati Korea

두카티 코리아 이달의 프로모션을 살펴보세요!


더욱 스타일리시해진 스크램블러 어패럴 컬렉션을 만나보세요.


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Next-Gen Family

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스포티파이에서 최신 플레이리스트를 들어보세요.

랜드 오브 조이

음악, 음식과 같은 라이프스타일로 표현한 '랜드 오브 조이'를 느껴보세요.

Next Gen

고객 맞춤형 서비스를 제공합니다.

스크램블러 아이콘의 색상을 커스터마이징하세요.

RefrigiWear x

한정판 스트리트웨어 컬렉션

Next Gen

스포티파이에서 차세대 재생목록을 들어보세요.

Wall of Joy

랜드 오브 조이로 만들어진 순간 들.
<(유)모토로싸> [‘http://www.ducati-korea.com//’이하 ‘두카티코리아’]은(는) 「개인정보보호법」, 「정보통신망 이용 촉진 및 정보보호 등에 관한 법률」 등에 따라 이용자의 개인 정보 보호 및 권익을 보호하고 개인정보와 관련한 이용자의 고충을 원활하게 처리할 수 있도록 다음과 같은 처리방침을 두고 있습니다.
(유)모토로싸[‘http://www.ducati-korea.com’이하 ‘두카티코리아’]는 개인정보 처리방침을 개정하는 경우, 웹사이트 공지사항(또는 개별공지)을 통하여 공지할 것입니다.

제 1조. 개인정보의 처리 목적
모토로싸(유)(이하 “회사”)는 다음의 목적을 위하여 개인정보를 처리합니다. 개인정보는 다음의 목적 이외의 용도로는 이용하지 않으며, 이용목적이 변경되는 경우에는 개별연락을 통하여 사전 동의를 구할 예정입니다.
  1. 가. 매매계약상 의무이행을 위한 재화•용역의 제공
    이륜차 구매에 따른 탁송•등록대행•보증수리 및 차량관리 서비스제공을 위한 본인확인, 대금 청구서 발송, 대금결제•추심을 위한 본인확인, 분쟁해결을 위한 기록보존, 불만처리 등
  2. 나. 시승 서비스 제공
    서비스 제공을 위한 본인 확인,분쟁조정을 위한 기록보존, 불만처리, 민원처리, 고지사항 전달
  3. 다. 판매, 마케팅 및 광고에 활용
    신규 서비스(제품 포함) 및 이벤트 정보 제공, 이벤트 경품 제공/배송, 행사 진행, 새로운 이벤트 안내(이메일, 전화, DM/SMS 발송) 인구 통계학적 특성에 따른 서비스 제공 및 광고게재를 위한 고객별 통계분석자료 활용
  4. 라. 고객 관리
    리서치, 서비스에 대한 만족도 조사, DM/SMS 발송, 차량관리 안내, 구매고객 서비스의 본인확인, 다양한 고객관리 프로그램 진행
제 2조. 개인정보의 처리 및 보유 기간
  1. 1. 모토로싸(유)는 정보주체로부터 개인정보를 수집할 때 동의 받은 개인정보 보유•이용기간 또는 법령에 따른 개인정보 보유•이용기간 내에서 개인정보를 처리•보유합니다.
  2. 2. 구체적인 개인정보 처리 및 보유 기간은 다음과 같습니다.
    1. (1) 이륜차 매매계약상 의무이행을 위한 재화•용역의 제공
      • ①보존 근거: 상법, 국세기본법, 법인세법, 부가가치세법, 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률
      • ②보존 기간: 중요서류 10년 / 전표 증빙자료 등(계약 또는 청약철회,대금결제,재화 등의 공급기록) 5년 / 소비자 불만 또는 분쟁처리에 관한 기록 3년
    2. (2) 시승 서비스 제공 및 판매, 마케팅 등 광고에 활용
      ① 개인정보의 수집•이용에 관한 동의일로부터 2년까지위 처리 목적을 위하여 보유 및 이용
    3. (3) 고객 관리
      ①개인정보의 수집•이용에 관한 동의일로부터 2년까지 위 처리 목적을 위하여 보유 및 이용
제 3조. 개인정보의 제3자 제공에 관한 사항
  1. 1. 모토로싸(유)는 정보주체의 동의, 법률의 특별한 규정 등 개인정보 보호법 제17조 및 제18조에 해당하는 경우에만 개인정보를 제3자에게 제공합니다.
  2. 2. 모토로싸(유)는 다음과 같이 개인정보를 제3자에게 제공하고 있습니다.
    차량 리스 실행두카티 파이낸셜 서비스, 효성캐피탈, 삼성카드, 신한은행, 신고대행업체, 국외이전(본사)성명, 생년월일, 상호, 사업자번호, 주소, 전화번호, 휴대폰 번호, 이메일, 구입차량정보구매고객의 차량보유기간
    이벤트 및 기타 서비스 제공, 이메일 마케팅 활동Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A., Oracle Corporation Data Center (시카고, 미국)
    필수항목: 성명, 이메일, 휴대전화번호
    선택항목: 성별, 생년월일, 기타(관심있는 모델)
    정보를 받는 날로부터 2년
    마케팅 서비스 제공 및 공동 프로모션 진행㈜치바모터스 (031-706-1199)
    ㈜세종인터내셔널 (051-714-0696)
    BH인터내셔널 (053-981-8884)
    FRUM에이전시 (02-1566-3786)
    필수항목: 성명, 이메일, 휴대전화번호
    선택항목: 성별, 생년월일, 기타(관심있는 모델)
    정보를 받는 날로부터 2년
제 4조. 정보주체와 법정대리인의 권리•의무 및 행사방법
정보주체와 법정대리인은 모토로싸(유)에 대해 언제든지 개인정보에 대하여 서면, 전자우편,모사전송(FAX)등을 통해 아래와 같이 권리를 행사할 수 있으며, 정보주체의 법정대리인을 통해 권리를 행사할 경우에는 개인정보보호법 시행규칙 별지 제11호 서식에 따른 위임장을 제출하셔야 합니다. 단, 개인정보 열람 및 처리정지 요구는 개인정보보호법 제35조 제5항, 제37조 제2항에 의하여 정보주체의 권리가 제한될 수 있고 아래의 ②, ③항에 해당하는 요구는 다른 법령에서 그 개인정보가 수집 대상으로 명시되어 있는 경우에 그 삭제를 요구할 수 없습니다.
  1. ① 개인정보 열람 요구
  2. ② 오류 등이 있을 경우 정정 요구
  3. ③ 삭제 요구
  4. ④ 처리 정지 요구
제 5조. 처리하는 개인정보의 항목
모토로싸(유)는 다음의 개인정보 항목을 처리하고 있습니다.
기본정보이름, 주소, 이메일주소, 연락처, 생년월일 
이륜차 매매계약상 의무이행을
위한 재화•용역의 제공
▶ 일반 구매
기본정보, 고유식별번호, 할부 금융 실행을 위한 금융사 제공 필요 정보(필요 시)
▶ 차량 리스 실행
기본정보, 고유식별번호, 리스 실행을 위한 금융사 제공 필요 정보
시승 서비스 제공 및 판매,
마케팅 등 광고에 활용,
고객 관리
▶ 시승 서비스 제공 및 판매
기본정보, 시승모델, 운전면허번호
▶ 방명록 작성 및 이벤트 참여
보유차종, 관심차종
▶서비스텐터 이용
기본정보, 기존 정비 이력 및 고객센터 이용 이력, 금융상품 이용 정보
제 6조. 개인정보의 파기
모토로싸(유)는 원칙적으로 개인정보 처리목적이 달성된 경우에는 지체 없이 해당 개인정보를 파기합니다. 단, 정보주체로부터 동의 받은 개인정보 보유기간이 경과하거나 처리목적이 달성되었음에도 불구하고 다른 법령에 따라 개인정보를 계속 보존하여야 하는 경우에는 해당 개인정보를 별도의 데이터베이스(DB)로 옮기거나 보관장소를 달리하여 보존합니다.
개인정보 파기의 절차, 기한 및 방법은 다음과 같습니다.
  1. 1. 파기 절차
    이용자가 입력한 정보는 목적 달성 후 별도의 DB에 옮겨져(종이의 경우 별도의 서류) 내부 방침 및 기타 관련 법령에 따라 일정기간 저장된 후 혹은 즉시 파기됩니다. 이 때, DB로 옮겨진 개인정보는 법률에 의한 경우가 아니고서는 다른 목적으로 이용되지 않습니다.
  2. 2. 파기 방법
    전자적 파일 형태로 기록•저장된 개인정보는 기록을 재생할 수 있도록 파기하며,종이 문서에 기록•저장된 개인정보는 분쇄기로 분쇄하거나 소각하여 파기합니다.
  3. 3. 파기 기한
    이용자의 개인정보는 개인정보의 보유기간이 경과된 경우에는 보유기간의 종료일로부터 7일 이내에, 개인정보의 처리 목적 달성, 해당 서비스의 폐지, 사업의 종료 등 그 개인정보가 불필요하게 되었을 때에는 개인정보의 처리가 불필요한 것으로 인정되는 날로부터 7일 이내에 그 개인정보를 파기합니다.
제 7조. 개인정보 자동 수집 장치의 설치•운영 및 거부에 관한 사항
두카티 코리아는 개별적인 맞춤서비스를 제공하기 위해 개인정보를 자동으로 저장하고 수시로 불러오는 장치인 ‘쿠키(cookie)’를 사용합니다. 쿠키란 웹사이트를 운영하는데 이용되는 서버(http)가 이용자의 컴퓨터 브라우저에게 보내는 소량의 정보이며 이용자들의 PC 컴퓨터 내의 하드디스크에 저장되기도 합니다.
  1. 1. 쿠키의 사용 목적 : 이용자가 방문한 각 서비스와 웹 사이트들에 대한 방문 및 이용형태, 인기 검색어, 보안접속 여부 등을 파악하여 이용자에게 최적화된 정보 제공을 위해 사용됩니다.
  2. 2. 쿠키의 설치, 운영 및 거부 : 웹 브라우저 상단의 도구 > 인터넷 옵션 > 개인정보 메뉴의 옵션 설정을 통해 쿠키 저장을 거부할 수 있습니다.
  3. 3. 쿠키 저장을 거부할 경우 맞춤형 서비스 이용에 어려움이 발생할 수 있습니다.
제 8조. 개인정보의 안전성 확보 조치
모토로싸(유)는 개인정보보호법 제29조에 따라 다음과 같이 안전성 확보에 필요한 기술적/관리적 및 물리적 조치를 하고 있습니다.
  1. 1. 개인정보 취급 직원의 최소화 및 교육
    개인정보를 취급하는 직원을 지정하고 담당자에 한정시켜 최소화 하여 개인정보를 관리하는 대책을 시행하고 있습니다.
  2. 2. 내부관리계획의 수립 및 시행
    개인정보의 안전한 처리를 위하여 내부관리계획을 수립하고 시행하고 있습니다.
  3. 3. 개인정보의 암호화
    이용자의 개인정보는 비밀번호는 암호화 되어 저장 및 관리되고 있어, 본인만이 알 수 있으며 중요한 데이터는 파일 및 전송 데이터를 암호화 하거나 파일 잠금 기능을 사용하는 등의 별도 보안기능을 사용하고 있습니다.
  4. 4. 접속기록의 보관 및 위변조 방지
    개인정보처리시스템에 접속한 기록을 최소 3개월 이상 보관, 관리하고 있으며, 접속 기록이 위변조 및 도난, 분실되지 않도록 보안기능 사용하고 있습니다.
  5. 5. 개인정보에 대한 접근 제한
    개인정보를 처리하는 데이터베이스시스템에 대한 접근권한의 부여, 변경, 말소를 통하여 개인정보에 대한 접근통제를 위하여 필요한 조치를 하고 있으며 침입차단시스템을 이용하여 외부로부터의 무단 접근을 통제하고 있습니다.
  6. 6. 문서보안을 위한 잠금장치 사용
    개인정보가 포함된 서류, 보조저장매체 등을 잠금장치가 있는 안전한 장소에 보관하고 있습니다.
  7. 7. 비인가자에 대한 출입 통제
    개인정보를 보관하고 있는 물리적 보관 장소를 별도로 두고 이에 대해 출입통제 절차를 수립, 운영하고 있습니다.
제 9조. 영상정보처리기기(CCTV) 설치 및 운영
모토로싸(유)는 아래와 같이 영상정보처리기기를 설치•운영하고 있습니다.
  1. 1.영상정보처리기기 설치근거∙목적
    전시장, 서비스센터의 시설안전, 화재예방, 범죄예방, 차량 도난 및 파손방지
  2. 2. 영상정보 촬영시간,보관기간,보관장소,처리방법
    1. ① 촬영시간 : 24시간 촬영
    2. ② 보관기간 : 촬영시부터 90일
    3. ③ 보관장소 및 처리방법 : 팀 영상정보처리기기 통제실에 보관•처리
  3. 3. 영상정보 확인 방법 및 장소 : 보호책임자 및 접근권한자에 요구
  4. 4. 정보주체의 영상정보 열람 등 요구에 대한 조치
    개인영상정보 열람•존재 확인 청구서로 신청하여야 하며, 정보주체 자신이 촬영된 경우 또는 명백히 정보주체의 생명•신체•재산 이익을 위해 필요한 경우에 한해 열람을 허용함
  5. 5. 영상정보 보호를 위한 기술적•관리적•물리적 조치
    내부관리계획 수립, 접근통제 및 접근권한 제한, 영상정보의 안전한 저장•전송기술 적용, 처리기록 보관 및 위•변조 방지조치, 보관시설 마련 및 잠금장치 설치 등
  6. 6. 설치 현황 및 개인영상정보 보호 책임자
    설치대상설치수량설치위치 및 촬영범위보호책임자 및 접근권한자
    두카티 코리아
    Ducati Korea
    B1: 1
    1F: 17
    2F: 10
    3F: 4
    쇼룸 내부 B1F / 창고
    쇼룸 외부 1F / 주차장, 창고 입구
    쇼룸 내부 1F / 입구, 리셉션, 정비실, 창고
    쇼룸 내부 2F / 상품 디스플레이 공간, 계단, 고객라운지
    쇼룸 내부 3F / 옥상 전체
    개인정보 보호책임자
    개인정보 보호담당자
제 10조.개인정보 보호책임자에 관한 사항
  1. 1. 모토로싸(유)는 개인정보 처리에 관한 업무를 총괄해서 책임지고, 개인정보 처리와 관련한 정보주체의 불만처리 및 피해구제 등을 위하여 아래와 같이 개인정보 보호책임자를 지정하고 있습니다.
    • ▶ 개인정보 보호 책임자
      • 성명 : 김은석
      • 직책 : 대표이사
      • 연락처 : jacob.kim@ducati-korea.com
      • ※개인정보 보호 담당부서로 연결됩니다.
    • ▶ 개인정보 보호 담당자
      • 담당자 : 강민성
      • 연락처 : tario.kang@ducati-korea.com
  2. 2. 정보주체께서는 모토로싸(유)의 서비스(또는 사업)을 이용하시면서 발생한 모든 개인정보 보호 관련 문의, 불만처리, 피해구제 등에 관한 사항을 개인정보 보호책임자 및 담당부서로 문의하실 수 있습니다. 모토로싸(유)는 정보주체의 문의에 대해 지체 없이 답변 및 처리해드릴 것입니다.
제 11조. 개인정보 처리방침의 변경
본 개인정보처리방침은 2020.12.01부터 모토로싸(유)의 ‘두카티코리아’에 적용되며, 법령 및 방침에 따른 변경내용의 추가, 삭제 및 정정이 있는 경우에는 변경사항의 시행 7일 전부터 홈페이지의 개인정보처리방침을 통하여 고지할 것입니다.
▷ 개인정보처리방침 변경이력
*2020-11-23 (이전 개인정보 처리방침 보기)
Privacy notice for the processing of personal data

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 (“GDPR”) The company Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. (“Ducati”) as data controller informs you of the following regarding the processing of your personal data pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data (“Regulation”).

1. Data Processing Purposes

Ducati processes the personal data that you provide upon registration on our website https://www.ducati.com/ww/en/home (“Site”) and on the specific sections of the same during events, fairs and shows organized or attended by Ducati and the personal data collected during your interaction with Ducati, including details of your purchases. With reference to the activities of sale and interaction with Ducati, these also include the activities carried out in points of sale and on-line, such as the managing of your interaction with our websites and internet and mobile applications (registration to websites/Apps and on-line initiatives such as newsletter, mailing list, events, prize contexts, promotions) and providing to you information/material, upon your request. The Privacy Policy of the Site is published at the following web page: https://www.ducati.com/it/it/home/privacy. We process your personal data for the following purposes.

a) Purposes necessary to Customer relationship management

Ducati processes your personal data to manage your registration and interaction with the Site, our App (Ducati App Link) and to provide you with the products and services that you require. Specifically, Ducati processes your personal data for the following purposes: to allow registration and authenticated access to the Site; to reply to your requests for information and/or material; to provide you with the requested products, services and assistance, together with relevant after-sale services (for example, guarantee), including the data processing necessary to manage your electronic signature on contractual documentation (through graphometric signature on tablet); to duly comply with contractual obligations or to carry out pre-contractual activities on your request (for instance, by contacting you after you requested a quotation) also through transmission of data by Ducati to our sale network (i.e. dealers) or to third parties which Ducati has a contract with.
In addition, Ducati processes your personal data to comply with laws and regulations relevant to the above specified activities and to exercise legal claims.
The provision of data for the purposes indicated above is necessary and the possible failure to provide such data will prevent Ducati from performing the above mentioned activities, for example from replying to your requests for information, material, from providing the products and services that you requested.

b) Additional purposes

· With your consent, which is optional, Ducati uses you personal data for marketing purposes, notably to send you promotional newsletters, commercial or advertising communications, for direct sales, product surveys aimed at detecting Customers’ and Prospects’ satisfaction degree.
Marketing activities are carried out through e-mail (newsletter), telephone, sms, MMS, chat, banners on the Site,
instant messaging, social network and traditional mail, including sending you invitations for events attended or organized by Ducati, by members of the sale and assistance network of Ducati or by our business partners. These communications also include offers on products, services and initiatives of Ducati’s commercial partners.
· With your consent, which is optional, Ducati uses your personal data for profiling activities by collecting information on your preferences, habits, lifestyle, information on your interaction with Ducati, as well as the details of your purchases to create group and individual profiles (“profiling”) and, if you have given consent for marketing activities, also sending you personalized promotional communications and offers. For these profiling activities we collect also the following information: information we obtain from comparison between information we have with data generally available to the public, for example social network profiles that you decided to make publicly available; information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies on the Site (please refer to our Cookie Policy, available on the home page of the Site (https://www.ducati.com/it/it/home); information collected through data detection systems on your motorcycle – as applicable and only in compliance with the Regulation. Tailored marketing activities are carried out by e-mail (newsletters), telephone, SMS and MMS messages, chats, banners on website, instant messaging, social networks and conventional mail, including invitations to events.
The provision of data for the marketing and profiling purposes indicated above is optional and the possible failure to provide such data will not have any consequences on the possibility for you to buy Ducati products and to receive the information, material, and services that you require, including post sale services. To verify or modify your preferences you may at any moment access your profile page at My Ducati, in the section Privacy Management.
· On the basis of the legitimate interest of Ducati, in compliance with the GDPR and within the limits of Italian law (Article 130, paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018), we may use the e-mail address you provided when purchasing our service and/or performance and/or product to offer services, performance and products similar to those you purchased (so-called “soft spam”). However, if you do not wish to receive such communications, you may notify Ducati at any time by using the link on the e-mail communications you receive. In this case, Ducati will interrupt the aforementioned activity without delay. We may also send you surveys for non-commercial purposes, being absolutely not mandatory, if you would like to help us evaluate and improve the quality of our customer service. We collect data from your survey responses (both service and product surveys) which on their own or if used together with other information we hold about you, may allow us to identify you.
· In relation to the Ducati Link App, in order to use some of the functionalities offered by the App data relating on your geographic location and in some cases on your movements as registered by the GPS system of your Apple or Android device is required. In particular, you can activate and deactivate at any time, through the device on which the App is installed, the features related to the geolocation service and recording of routes travelled, the sharing of routes with other users of the App, the community services (possibility to invite other users on suggested routes, comment on the routes and share photos), the geolocation service of Ducati workshops, the recording of riding parameters, and can receive warnings on bike maintenance and conditions. The data related to your geographical position and your movements are processed by Ducati only to activate the functions of the App when you request such functions. Data will be recorded both on your device and on Ducati’s servers, so that you can also access them through MyDucati platform even in case of subsequent replacement or loss of your device. You may at any time delete the data recorded via the App itself or your MyDucati account.
· With the account of some social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter, it will indeed be possible to login to the App and the Site (the so-called “social login”). Personal data used for the functioning of the App or registering on the Site are collected directly from you, save when you expressly asks for registration to the App and relevant login through social network at the first access or following the same if you are already registered. If you use these features, Ducati will store through the reference social network only the information coming from your profile of which you expressly authorised the sharing from the social network to Ducati. Matching the social network profile will appear on your relevant social network accounts, whose specific privacy policy should be referred to for further details. Ducati does not send any information about you to social networks.

2. Method of processing and legal grounds for processing

Ducati will process your personal data with and without the aid of electronic means, based on logics and procedures consistent with the purposes specified below and in compliance with the Regulation, including the aspects of confidentiality and security.
The data may be provided by you when registering in our points of sale on paper forms and/or on electronic means, acquired during visits to our dealers and resellers, provided during events, fairs and shows in which Ducati participates or organised by Ducati, members of the Ducati sales and assistance network or by Ducati’s commercial partners, or provided during your interaction with Ducati’s websites, internet and mobile applications.
In compliance with the Regulations, your personal data is used to update and rectify the information collected previously.
Your personal data are processed based on your consent, a legitimate interest of Ducati for the performance of commercial activities, obligations arising from a contract entered into between you and Ducati, or legal obligations.
You have however the right to withdraw the consent given at any time, thus withdrawal however not affecting the legitimacy of any previous processing.

3. Recipients of your personal data

Personal data are accessed by our duly authorized personnel on a need-to-know basis and disclosed to third parties in the following cases: (i) when disclosure is required by applicable laws and regulations with respect to legitimate third party recipients of communications such as authorities and public bodies for their respective institutional purposes; (ii) when disclosure is necessary to perform a contract or pre-contractual activities activated by your request, e.g. communication of your data to one of our Dealers or business partners to enable it to provide you with the information, products or services requested by you; (iii) in case of disclosure to third parties in the event of extraordinary transactions (e.g. mergers, acquisitions, sale of business, etc.).
Your personal data are also shared with our service providers, e.g. services of a technical and organisational nature for the purposes specified above, like independent contractors, even with associates, delivery, marketing and payment management companies. We provide these entities with only the data necessary to perform the agreed services and they act as Data Processors, based on the instructions received from Ducati.
Finally, in order to provide you with the Ducati products and services you have requested (e.g. to ensure that you may obtain the same benefits worldwide), other companies in the Ducati Group, importers, dealers and our commercial partners may access your personal data under applicable privacy law.

4. Transfer of personal data outside the European Union

Some of the companies of the Ducati Group, the sales network or third parties contractually linked to Ducati that may access your personal data are also established outside the European Union, in countries that do not guarantee an adequate level of protection of personal data according to the standards established by the Regulation. Ducati takes the necessary precautions for a legitimate transfer of data (e.g. through the implementation of Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission). You may request information on the cross-border transfer of your personal data at any time by contacting Ducati or Ducati’s Data Protection Officer at the addresses provided below.

5. Storage of personal data

Your personal data are kept by Ducati for the time being strictly necessary to pursue the purposes for which they are collected. Legal regulations impose obligations to keep documents for accounting and administrative purposes that according to the ordinary period of limitation of the contractual actions we will cancel after 10 years, starting from the moment of contract termination.
The data recorded by our Apps (e.g. Ducati App Link) will be kept for 12 months starting from your last access, while the Account, including the data you entered yourself, will be deleted upon your specific request.
The personal data processed for the “further purposes” listed above, will be kept for a maximum of 5 years for non-Customers and 10 years for Customers and former Customers. Such a term is considered appropriate given the frequency of purchase of our products, which are deemed to be luxury goods.
Once the retention period has expired, personal data will be automatically deleted or made anonymous.
Upon request to the Data Controller and Data Protection Officer, the Data Subject may receive detailed information on the storage times of personal data processed by Ducati pursuant to the Regulation.

6. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

The Controller of personal data processing is: Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A, with headquarters in Via Cavalieri Ducati 3 – 40132 Bologna (BO), Italy. The Data Protection Officer is domiciled at the headquarters of the Data Controller and can be contacted at the following email address: privacy@ducati.com.

7. Your rights

You can contact Ducati as the Data Controller or Data Protection Manager at the above addresses to get an updated list of our data processors (i.e. our service providers), of the parties to whom the data are disclosed and to exercise the following rights as per art. 15 et seq. of the Regulation; to get access to your data to verify their existence and other information related to them, to obtain their rectification or cancellation, to request data portability, to obtain limitation of processing and to lodge a claim to the Supervisory Authority (the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data).
In addition, you may, at any time, object to the processing of your personal data processed for direct marketing purposes and, if required by a particular situation, you may object to the processing of your personal data on the basis of Ducati’s legitimate interest unless Ducati has prevailing legitimate reasons for proceeding with processing (e.g. the exercise or defence of a right in court).

Privacy notice for the processing of personal data

In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 (“GDPR”)

The company Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. (“Ducati”) as data controller informs you of the following regarding the processing of your personal data pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data (“Regulation”). 

1. Data Processing Purposes

Ducati processes the personal data that you provide upon registration on our website https://www.ducati.com/ww/en/home (“Site”) and on the specific sections of the same during events, fairs and shows organized or attended by Ducati and the personal data collected during your interaction with Ducati, including details of your purchases. 

With reference to the activities of sale and interaction with Ducati, these also include the activities carried out in points of sale and on-line, such as the managing of your interaction with our websites and internet and mobile applications (registration to websites/Apps and on-line initiatives such as newsletter, mailing list, events, prize contexts, promotions) and providing to you information/material, upon your request. The Privacy Policy of the Site is published at the following web page: https://www.ducati.com/it/it/home/privacy. We process your personal data for the following purposes.

a) Purposes necessary to Customer relationship management

Ducati processes your personal data to manage your registration and interaction with the Site, our App (Ducati App Link) and to provide you with the products and services that you require. Specifically, Ducati processes your personal data for the following purposes: to allow registration and authenticated access to the Site; to reply to your requests for information and/or material; to provide you with the requested products, services and assistance, together with relevant after-sale services (for example, guarantee), including the data processing necessary to manage your electronic signature on contractual documentation (through graphometric signature on tablet); to duly comply with contractual obligations or to carry out pre-contractual activities on your request (for instance, by contacting you after you requested a quotation) also through transmission of data by Ducati to our sale network (i.e. dealers) or to third parties which Ducati has a contract with. 

In addition, Ducati processes your personal data to comply with laws and regulations relevant to the above specified activities and to exercise legal claims.

The provision of data for the purposes indicated above is necessary and the possible failure to provide such data will prevent Ducati from performing the above mentioned activities, for example from replying to your requests for information, material, from providing the products and services that you requested. 

b) Additional purposes

· With your consent, which is optional, Ducati uses you personal data for marketing purposes, notably to send you promotional newsletters, commercial or advertising communications, for direct sales, product surveys aimed at detecting Customers’ and Prospects’ satisfaction degree. 

Marketing activities are carried out through e-mail (newsletter), telephone, sms, MMS, chat, banners on the Site,

instant messaging, social network and traditional mail, including sending you invitations for events attended or organized by Ducati, by members of the sale and assistance network of Ducati or by our business partners. These communications also include offers on products, services and initiatives of Ducati’s commercial partners.

· With your consent, which is optional, Ducati uses your personal data for profiling activities by collecting information on your preferences, habits, lifestyle, information on your interaction with Ducati, as well as the details of your purchases to create group and individual profiles (“profiling”) and, if you have given consent for marketing activities, also sending you personalized promotional communications and offers. For these profiling activities we collect also the following information: information we obtain from comparison between information we have with data generally available to the public, for example social network profiles that you decided to make publicly available; information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies on the Site (please refer to our Cookie Policy, available on the home page of the Site (https://www.ducati.com/it/it/home); information collected through data detection systems on your motorcycle – as applicable and only in compliance with the Regulation. Tailored marketing activities are carried out by e-mail (newsletters), telephone, SMS and MMS messages, chats, banners on website, instant messaging, social networks and conventional mail, including invitations to events. 

The provision of data for the marketing and profiling purposes indicated above is optional and the possible failure to provide such data will not have any consequences on the possibility for you to buy Ducati products and to receive the information, material, and services that you require, including post sale services. To verify or modify your preferences you may at any moment access your profile page at My Ducati, in the section Privacy Management.

· On the basis of the legitimate interest of Ducati, in compliance with the GDPR and within the limits of Italian law (Article 130, paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018), we may use the e-mail address you provided when purchasing our service and/or performance and/or product to offer services, performance and products similar to those you purchased (so-called “soft spam”). However, if you do not wish to receive such communications, you may notify Ducati at any time by using the link on the e-mail communications you receive. In this case, Ducati will interrupt the aforementioned activity without delay. 

We may also send you surveys for non-commercial purposes, being absolutely not mandatory, if you would like to help us evaluate and improve the quality of our customer service. We collect data from your survey responses (both service and product surveys) which on their own or if used together with other information we hold about you, may allow us to identify you.

· In relation to the Ducati Link App, in order to use some of the functionalities offered by the App data relating on your geographic location and in some cases on your movements as registered by the GPS system of your Apple or Android device is required. In particular, you can activate and deactivate at any time, through the device on which the App is installed, the features related to the geolocation service and recording of routes travelled, the sharing of routes with other users of the App, the community services (possibility to invite other users on suggested routes, comment on the routes and share photos), the geolocation service of Ducati workshops, the recording of riding parameters, and can receive warnings on bike maintenance and conditions. The data related to your geographical position and your movements are processed by Ducati only to activate the functions of the App when you request such functions. Data will be recorded both on your device and on Ducati’s servers, so that you can also access them through MyDucati platform even in case of subsequent replacement or loss of your device. You may at any time delete the data recorded via the App itself or your MyDucati account. 

· With the account of some social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter, it will indeed be possible to login to the App and the Site (the so-called “social login“). Personal data used for the functioning of the App or registering on the Site are collected directly from you, save when you expressly asks for registration to the App and relevant login through social network at the first access or following the same if you are already registered. If you use these features, Ducati will store through the reference social network only the information coming from your profile of which you expressly authorised the sharing from the social network to Ducati. Matching the social network profile will appear on your relevant social network accounts, whose specific privacy policy should be referred to for further details. Ducati does not send any information about you to social networks.

2. Method of processing and legal grounds for processing

Ducati will process your personal data with and without the aid of electronic means, based on logics and procedures consistent with the purposes specified below and in compliance with the Regulation, including the aspects of confidentiality and security.

The data may be provided by you when registering in our points of sale on paper forms and/or on electronic means, acquired during visits to our dealers and resellers, provided during events, fairs and shows in which Ducati participates or organised by Ducati, members of the Ducati sales and assistance network or by Ducati’s commercial partners, or provided during your interaction with Ducati’s websites, internet and mobile applications.

In compliance with the Regulations, your personal data is used to update and rectify the information collected previously.

Your personal data are processed based on your consent, a legitimate interest of Ducati for the performance of commercial activities, obligations arising from a contract entered into between you and Ducati, or legal obligations.

You have however the right to withdraw the consent given at any time, thus withdrawal however not affecting the legitimacy of any previous processing.

3. Recipients of your personal data

Personal data are accessed by our duly authorized personnel on a need-to-know basis and disclosed to third parties in the following cases: (i) when disclosure is required by applicable laws and regulations with respect to legitimate third party recipients of communications such as authorities and public bodies for their respective institutional purposes; (ii) when disclosure is necessary to perform a contract or pre-contractual activities activated by your request, e.g. communication of your data to one of our Dealers or business partners to enable it to provide you with the information, products or services requested by you; (iii) in case of disclosure to third parties in the event of extraordinary transactions (e.g. mergers, acquisitions, sale of business, etc.).

Your personal data are also shared with our service providers, e.g. services of a technical and organisational nature for the purposes specified above, like independent contractors, even with associates, delivery, marketing and payment management companies. We provide these entities with only the data necessary to perform the agreed services and they act as Data Processors, based on the instructions received from Ducati. 

Finally, in order to provide you with the Ducati products and services you have requested (e.g. to ensure that you may obtain the same benefits worldwide), other companies in the Ducati Group, importers, dealers and our commercial partners may access your personal data under applicable privacy law.

4. Transfer of personal data outside the European Union

Some of the companies of the Ducati Group, the sales network or third parties contractually linked to Ducati that may access your personal data are also established outside the European Union, in countries that do not guarantee an adequate level of protection of personal data according to the standards established by the Regulation. Ducati takes the necessary precautions for a legitimate transfer of data (e.g. through the implementation of Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission). You may request information on the cross-border transfer of your personal data at any time by contacting Ducati or Ducati’s Data Protection Officer at the addresses provided below. 

5. Storage of personal data

Your personal data are kept by Ducati for the time being strictly necessary to pursue the purposes for which they are collected. Legal regulations impose obligations to keep documents for accounting and administrative purposes that according to the ordinary period of limitation of the contractual actions we will cancel after 10 years, starting from the moment of contract termination.

The data recorded by our Apps (e.g. Ducati App Link) will be kept for 12 months starting from your last access, while the Account, including the data you entered yourself, will be deleted upon your specific request.

The personal data processed for the “further purposes” listed above, will be kept for a maximum of 5 years for non-Customers and 10 years for Customers and former Customers. Such a term is considered appropriate given the frequency of purchase of our products, which are deemed to be luxury goods. 

Once the retention period has expired, personal data will be automatically deleted or made anonymous.

Upon request to the Data Controller and Data Protection Officer, the Data Subject may receive detailed information on the storage times of personal data processed by Ducati pursuant to the Regulation.

6. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

The Controller of personal data processing is: Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A, with headquarters in Via Cavalieri Ducati 3 – 40132 Bologna (BO), Italy. The Data Protection Officer is domiciled at the headquarters of the Data Controller and can be contacted at the following email address: privacy@ducati.com.

7. Your rights

You can contact Ducati as the Data Controller or Data Protection Manager at the above addresses to get an updated list of our data processors (i.e. our service providers), of the parties to whom the data are disclosed and to exercise the following rights as per art. 15 et seq. of the Regulation; to get access to your data to verify their existence and other information related to them, to obtain their rectification or cancellation, to request data portability, to obtain limitation of processing and to lodge a claim to the Supervisory Authority (the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data).

In addition, you may, at any time, object to the processing of your personal data processed for direct marketing purposes and, if required by a particular situation, you may object to the processing of your personal data on the basis of Ducati’s legitimate interest unless Ducati has prevailing legitimate reasons for proceeding with processing (e.g. the exercise or defence of a right in court).